Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Sadako and the 1,000 Paper Cranes"

Pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki


Picture Provided by Hiroshima Women's University (scroll down for url)

The pictures below were supplied by PEGASUS (the url is below)

Burn razed field 1,200 meters south of the hypocenter in Hiroshima.

An image of the first atomic bomb explosion over a populated area on August 6th, 1945

The Hiroshima Prefectural Building for Promotion of Industry  also known as the "Atomic Bombed Dome".


When the first atomic bomb landed on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945 this Japanese citizen was vaporized and their shadow was imprinted onto the steps of this building.

Due to the thermic rays, the shadows of these parapets were imprinted onto the Yorozuyo Bridge in Hiroshima, Japan.

The following picture had been supplied by Réel, le Retour (Back to Reality) (url below)

Like the person imprinted on the steps of the building this man/woman was vaporized and his/her shadow was imprinted (along with the shadow of the ladder) to a home in Hiroshima.


The pictures below were supplied by PEGASUS (the url is below)

Ruins of the Shima Surgery Hospital at the hypocenter (left) and the Toorii (gateway) of the Gokoku Shrine (right).

Images of the Plutonium bomb that hit Nagasaki, Japan on August 9th, 1945

The Ruins of the Hospital of the Nagasaki University of Medicine.

The staues of the Madonna and John the Apostle at the ruins of the Urakami Cathedral.

The hypocenter of Nagasaki





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Hiroshima Women's University


Réel, le Retour


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